Simon and the Fifes: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail

“Purr-fect in every pose, Simon is the most photogenic kitty ever!” exclaims an excited Claudia.

“My husband saw his picture on the Furry Friends website and that was that. We knew we wanted him. He fits right in with our family. We’re so happy to have Simon here with us. He’s brought a lot of love and laughter to the house. He’s most loving and wants pets and hugs in the mornings or right after he wakes up. Then it’s playtime!

“To say he’s very playful is putting it mildly. He LOVES playing hide and seek, playing in paper bags, and thinks it’s playtime whenever we come home with the groceries! Because he really loves being inside and under things, he also LOVES it when we make tents with blankets.
“As you can see in the picture, he had a great Christmas, and he absolutely adores his new climbing playhouse.

“Simon is the best choice we’ve made in a long time. He’s growing and thriving, and we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him! Thank you, Furry Friends, for all that you do for the kitties in need.”


Furry Friends Fur-Ever Stories are compiled and written by Nomi Berger who is the bestselling author of seven novels, one work of non-fiction, two volumes of poetry, and hundreds of articles. She is a volunteer writer for Furry Friends in Vancouver, WA and also volunteers her writing skills to animal rescue groups in Canada and the USA.


Frankie and the Harts: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail


Rosey and the Stepkens: Furry Friends Fur-Ever Tail